The Lancaster County Agricultural Society Hall of Fame Award formally recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the advancement or improvement of the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds and/or the Lancaster County Super Fair. The following 2022 recipients were recently recognized at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds Blue Jean Gala.
KEN MAJORS has volunteered with 4-H at the Lancaster County Fair since the mid-1980s, helping with 4-H rabbits, poultry, dogs, cats and other small animals. He continues to serve on the Lancaster County 4-H Rabbits Volunteers in Program Service (VIPS) Committee, which acts as overall superintendent of the 4-H Rabbit Shows at the Lancaster County Super Fair.
DEB SCHORR served as a Lancaster County Commissioner for 20 years. During her tenure, the County Board partnered with the Lancaster County Ag Society to continually grow and improve the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds. Deb has volunteered on the LEC Fairgrounds at numerous Super Fairs, including helping with the annual Watermelon Feed and judging a 4-H “best dressed goat costume contest.”