4-H Clover College is a four-day series of hands-on workshops for youth presented by Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County. The emphasis is on science, agricultural literacy, healthy living, career development and citizenship/leadership. Many of the projects made during the sessions are eligible to be exhibited at the Lancaster County Super Fair in August.
This year’s Clover College featured 52 workshops with a total of 939 session registrations. New workshops this year included: “Bubbles & Fizz,” “Wheat to Pancakes,” “Eat Like a Cow,” “Light Up Art,” “Outdoor Adventures,” “Kitchen Chefs,” “Rain Chains” and “Appli-Doodle Sewing.”
Feedback included:
• “My favorite part was everything!!!”
• “My favorite part was to learn and be interactive and do activities.”
• “My favorite part was talking and hanging out with new friends.”
• “I learned a lot of stuff this week.”
• “I enjoyed trying out new things. Clover College is an awesome place!”
A special thank you to the 69 instructors and assistants! This is the 27th year of Clover College. More photos will be posted at https://flickr.com/photos/unlextlanco/albums.