![Color code with flagsRGB.jpg](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file198662.jpg)
By Becky Schuerman, Extension Educator in Lancaster County
Spring is here, and that often means it’s time to start outdoor projects. Whether you are spading in new trees, putting in a koi pond or other excavated landscape features, drilling a new well or installing a new onsite wastewater system, you want to make sure a “Locate Request” has been submitted to Nebraska811 before digging.
Nebraska811 is the statewide one-call notification center, set up by Nebraska state law. It is the link between people who want to excavate and the underground facility owners/operators.
Everyone, everywhere in the state of Nebraska must contact Nebraska811 before excavating or disturbing the soil, even in your own backyard! Submit a locate request two business days prior to starting the digging. By contacting Nebraska811, you will be placing a request for the underground utilities in your excavation area to be located and marked. Contacting Nebraska811 is required by state law (Nebraska Statute 76-2321) and is designed to protect you, underground facilities and the public.
White lining is the process of pre-marking the area where digging will occur with white paint and/or white flags. White lining saves time, avoids confusion, and prevents damages by indicating to locating crews exactly where work will take place. Although not required, Nebraska811 strongly recommends white lining whenever possible.
Locate requests must be submitted to Nebraska811 at least two business days prior (excluding weekends and holidays), but not more than 10 business days before your planned excavation by calling 811 or 1-800-331-5666 (both numbers are toll free) or going online to https://www.ne1call.com.
The following information is required in order to submit a locate request.
Contact Information: The name and phone number of the person making the notification and the on-site contact person.
Excavator Information: The name, address, email address and phone number of the excavator.
Excavation Information: The type of work and maximum depth of excavation. The date and time excavation is scheduled to commence. The extent of excavation being planned, including whether the excavation involves tunneling or horizontal boring.
Location Information: The county, city or nearest city, whether the site is inside the city limits, address of the site or nearest intersection and directions to the site.
Marking Instructions: A specific description of where the work will take place and whether the proposed area of excavation is white-lined.
Driving Directions: Starting from the nearest intersecting street, how far and in which direction to the site.
Once a request is submitted, the utilities affected by your proposed dig site will promptly be notified by Nebraska811. The utility companies notified must respond by the start date/time by informing you if they are clear from your dig site or by marking the approximate location of their underground utilities. If digging must take place in the area defined as the tolerance zone (18 inches on either side of the mark, plus half the width of the facility), hand digging and extreme caution is suggested. The excavator should exercise such reasonable care as may be necessary for the protection of the underground facility.
It’s FREE. It’s EASY. It’s the LAW. Protect yourself and your wallet by contacting Nebraska811 before you dig.
Information for this article is from the Nebraska811 “Excavation Safety Guide."