Each summer, student interns join the 4-H staff at Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County and provide much needed assistance.
Four full-time college interns are helping with ongoing summer programming, including contests, Clover College, Lancaster County Super Fair and other activities.
• Cameryn Brandt assists Extension Associate Kristin Geisert with Clover College, Super Fair static exhibits and contests. Cameryn was a Saline County 4-H member for 9 years. This is her first summer as a 4-H intern. Cameryn is an upcoming junior at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, majoring in Family and Consumer Science Secondary Education.
• Rayley Fankhauser assists Extension Educator Tracy Anderson and Administrative Services Officer Jenny DeBuhr with office responsibilities; she also helps with Clover College and multiple project areas at Super Fair. This is her first summer as a 4-H intern. Rayley was a 4-H member in Lancaster County for 6 years. She is an upcoming senior at UNL, majoring in Agricultural & Environmental Science Communications and minoring in International Agriculture & Natural Resources.
• Breanna Gilmore assists Extension Assistant Madelaine Polk with the livestock projects. This is her first summer as a 4-H intern. Breanna was a 4-H member in Adams County for 7 years. In December, she will graduate from UNL with a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science.
• Jacie Pelikan assists Extension Associate Kate Pulec and Extension Assistant Elizabeth Thiltges with the horse, rabbit, dog, cat and household pet projects. This is her third summer as a 4-H intern. Jacie is an upcoming senior at UNL, majoring in Applied Climate Science and Animal Science.
Two part-time teen interns are working with Tracy Anderson in 4-H outreach and education. Agange Alwir and Kallie Vance — who are part of the Girls Inc. of Lincoln’s Eureka! program — assist with 4-H outreach and education. Agange will be a sophomore at Northwest High School and Kallie will be a sophomore at East High School this fall.