The Law Faculty Wiki

We have had an Adjunct Faculty Handbook. Perhaps in the distant past there was also a Faculty Handbook. We decided it was time for update. Introducing the Law Faculty Wiki Page. The Wiki is intended to be a one-stop shop for all the information you might want to know. Go to Sign in with your normal username and password.

There are sections for new law professors, as well as notes on Teaching, Research, and Service. Many sections include relevant updated information that you will have on your fingertips whenever you have internet access. Tired of trying to find that class schedule in an email Glenda sent you three months ago? Look on the Wiki. Want to figure out when your class evaluation will be? Look on the Wiki. Faculty meeting minutes? Look on the Wiki.

Importantly, the Wiki also contains resources you might find helpful. There are articles on Teaching, Assessment and Grading, Using Technology in the Classroom, and Scholarship. Want to try to incorporate a skills exercise in your class? Look for an article on that topic on the Wiki. Also, there is a section devoted to articles and blog posts about the “crisis” in legal education. Catch up on the scathing New York Times articles and calls for reform.

The best part about the Wiki is that you, yes you, can change it. Want to add a really good article on teaching? Edit the page you want to put it on, upload the article, and it is there. Is some of the information incorrect? Edit the page so that others can learn from your mistake! Talk to Richard if you have ideas for pages to add, or just do it yourself!