In October, the College of Law continued its great turnout for the S.T.I.R. talks (this time for Eric Berger), interviewed candidates for a faculty position (and eventually made an offer to Gus Hurwitz), kicked off the Big Ten Faculty Colloquia Series with Illinois professor Matt Finkin, had several great CLE speakers visit, learned about Zotero at a brown bag lunch, and supported numerous professors speaking at the Nebraska State Bar Association annual meeting in La Vista.
November promises more opportunity for community-building and enrichment, especially through speakers like Senator Ben Nelson, two faculty colloquia, and of course the final S.T.I.R. talk of the semester by Sandi Zellmer. Please try to come to as many as your schedule permits!
Here is taste of what the month brings:
Nov. 2 (Noon) - Senator Ben Nelson speaking at Law College
Nov. 5 (4:30) - American Indian Law Symposium: Chief Chad Smith
Nov. 8 (Noon) - Masters’ Week Speaker: Andy Massey (JD '97)
Andy Massey has been chief legal counsel for Valmont Industries in Omaha since July 2006. Previously, he was vice president government affairs, corporate secretary and general counsel for EF Johnson, a Lincoln telecommunications firm he joined as a corporate attorney in 1998. As a UNL undergraduate, Massey was student body president and served on the NU Board of Regents. He received his bachelor's degree in environmental students in 1993 and civil and juries doctorate degrees in 1996 and 1997, respectively, from the College of Law.
Nov. 8 (4:00) - Prof. Zellmer S.T.I.R. talk: Treading Water, Just Barely: Congressional Apathy Toward the Nation's Environment
Nov. 9 (3:00) - Prof. Dooling Ethics CLE
Nov. 9 (4:15) - Reunion Cocktail Party @ Law College
Nov. 10 (noon) - Law College tailgate Penn State @ Nebraska City Campus Union
Nov. 12 (12:10) - Faculty CLE Speaker: Professor Sam Walker, UNO: The Disturbing Parallels & Reflections on the New Law of Presidential Power & Human Rights
Nov. 13 (12:10) - Faculty Meeting
Nov. 13 (4:30) - Latino Leadership Symposium: Judge Christina Perez
Nov. 16 (Noon) - Brown Bag Lunch Series: Electronic Research – New Ideas
Nov. 21-23 Thanksgiving Break – no classes
Nov. 30 (noon) - Faculty Colloquium: Tung Yin, Lewis and Clark Law School
Nov. 30 (3:15) - Yuetter Seminar Distinguished Visiting Professor: Kym Anderson, Professor of Economics, University of Adelaide and Australian National University; Hamann Auditorium
Dec. 3 (noon) - Faculty Colloquium: Ben Trachtenberg
Also, in this edition of the newsletter, you will see your colleagues doing some amazing things! Please be sure to email Molly or me any news you would like to share.
Finally, thank you to everyone for your work during the faculty appointments season. It was great for candidates to be able to meet so many members of the faculty during their visit here.
Kind regards,
Richard Moberly