The Law College qualifies many speakers each semester for CLE credit and then opens those programs up to our alumni. This is a great program administered by Molly Brummond, and several upcoming opportunities are summarized below. Continue reading…
In the most recent release of The National Jurist, Dean Susan Poser was interviewed for the article entitled "Wanted: Rural Lawyers". The article articulates the need for lawyers in rural communities and the efforts bar associations and law schools are making to get graduates practicing in these areas. Read more: Continue reading…
Professor Sandra Zellmer appeared in High Country News reviewing Robert B. Keiter's book "To Conserve Unimpaired: The Evolution of the National Park Idea" this week. Continue reading…
Professor Frans Von der Dunk will be the keynote speaker in February at an FAA conference in DC on Commercial Space Transportation, tying it in with the law college’s work as Affiliate partner with the FAA’s Centre of Excellence on private commercial spaceflight through partnering with NMSU. Continue reading…
Professor Christal Sheppard has been invited to speak at the Naples Midwinter Patent Law Experts Conference in Naples, FL February 10-11, 2014. Sheppard joins a number of esteemed law professors who specialize in patent law. To learn more please visit the conference website Continue reading…
For the second-consecutive year, UNL's Josephine "Jo" Potuto has been honored for her efforts in fostering excellence among student-athletes. See the full article in UNL Today: Continue reading…
Blowing the whistle on fraud:
UNL Law Prof. Richard Moberly…1/9/2014
J&D talk to the UNL Prof, a renowned expert on whistleblower law about the latest developments in the NSA/Edward Snowden case.
Continue reading…
Professor Richard Leiter was recently appointed to the board of directors for Community CROPS of Lincoln. CROPS, a city-wide group that’s responsible for 13 community gardens, is the city’s largest CSA (community supported agriculture) as well as a farmer training program that works with UNL and County Extension. It’s a three year appointment. Continue reading…
Professor Gus Hurwitz was recently featured on the Free State Foundation blog: FSF Scholars respond to DC Circuit's Net Neutrality Decision.
Net neutrality proponents and opponents are concerned about a recent decision from the D.C. Court of Appeals overturning the FCC's rule. Continue reading…
Marcia Dority Baker’s recently published article, “The deployment of the terms indigenous, aboriginal, and Indian in the texts of international constitutions”, can be found at and will also be available in the UNL Digital Commons. Continue reading…
Professor Beth Burkstrand-Reid's article From Sex for Pleasure to Sex for Parenthood: How the Law Manufactures Mothers was published in December by the Hastings Law Journal. The article explores the treatment of women's sexuality in the law. Continue reading…
Adjunct law professor Dennis Burnett presented at the National Academy of Sciences in November. His talk was entitled “Are New Laws and Regulations Needed for New Commercial Uses of Space.” A copy of the presentation is available for anyone that would like one. Continue reading…