Leiter Appointed to the BOD of CROPS; Leading Cases Project Goes Live

Rich Leiter
Rich Leiter

Professor Richard Leiter was recently appointed to the board of directors for Community CROPS of Lincoln. CROPS, a city-wide group that’s responsible for 13 community gardens, is the city’s largest CSA (community supported agriculture) as well as a farmer training program that works with UNL and County Extension. It’s a three year appointment.

The “Leading Cases Project” is now a live prototype. This is the first implementation of LCP by an online case law database. The company, CaseText is a startup currently based in Menlo Park, CA and is affiliated with the Stanford Center for Legal Informatics. The prototype of the new search engine can be used by navigating to http://casetext.com/ and performing a search. When the search results appear, the top button on the right is “Leading Cases.” Clicking that button filters out all cases not discussed in law reviews. They call the LCP the “Leiter Filter.”