Dority Baker and Pearlman Publish A Bibliography of University of Nebraska College of Law Faculty Scholarship 1892-2013

Stephanie Pearlman and Marcia Dority Baker
Stephanie Pearlman and Marcia Dority Baker

We are pleased to announce the publication of the first item in the Schmid Law Library publication series, A Bibliography of University of Nebraska College of Law Faculty Scholarship, 1892-2013, compiled by Marcia L. Dority Baker and Stefanie Pearlman.

The Schmid Law Library Publication Series will be a series of occasional papers in a variety of formats (print and online) intended to enhance and expand knowledge and scholarship in the field of legal research and legal bibliography. As the title implies, the bibliography compiles the scholarship from all faculty who have taught at the law college since its founding; no easy feat. If you’d like additional copies, or are aware of alumni or friends who would like a copy, please contact Joni Belew, Library Acquisitions Assistant.

The book is published by the University of Nebraska Press. A digital version of the bibliography is available from the University of Nebraska (UNL) Digital Commons and can be found on the Schmid Law Library blog