From the Library

Sandra Placzek
Sandra Placzek

In addition to Westlaw & LexisNexis . . .
Remember that all law college faculty, staff and students also have access to Bloomberg Law and Casemaker. If you don’t have passwords for either database, see any of the reference librarians and we will get you the information you need.

Need a little help with Casemaker? Casemaker training sessions will be offered at the law college on October 22; watch for more information in upcoming Sounding Blocks.

Just a Few Reminders . . .
Now that you’ve all settled in your class schedule, just a few library reminders:

•Please use your cell phones in the study rooms or phone booths ONLY. Please do not use your cell phones in the stairwells, basement, foyers or library restrooms. No matter how quiet you try to keep your voice, it is still distracting to others using the library.

•Please clean up after yourselves – throw candy wrappers away, recycle papers, pick up print jobs in the lab. The library staff works hard to keep the environment clean and user friendly. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us.

•Please lock the study room doors when you are finished using the room.

•Don’t forget to help your colleagues out by using your “quiet voice” in the library.

•Finally, stop by and say hello. We’re always happy to answer any questions you may have or to just chat.