From the Library

Rich Leiter
Rich Leiter

Attention Computer Owners/Users: Keep Your Computers Up-to-Date
A week ago last Friday, a security flaw was discovered in Java software that helps web-browsers display some animated functions on web pages. They had potential serious consequences which would allow nefarious hackers to install software on an unsuspecting user's computer and use that computer to launch attacks on other computers. That day even the Dept of Homeland Security warned users to take steps to fix the flaw.

Oracle, the company that owns Java released an update in a fix within days of the discovery. Apple Computer responded immediately after the announcement and so within days of its discovery every computer that is properly maintained and updated was protected.

We encourage every computer user to regularly install updates from trusted sources. As soon as practical, please install all updates that come from your software or hardware manufacturer. You most likely will get occasional notices of available updates from Adobe (for Flash and Reader), Java, Microsoft/Windows, OSX (Apple will aggregate updates for its operating system and other software).

Please be suspicious of updates that come from third party sources, or sources that don't actually produce software or services to which you subscribe. If you have questions, please see Bob, Chris or Rich.

Digital Tip(s) of the Week
Undoing text on your iPhone…. if you are the ambitious type and use iWork on your iPhone, you may face a situation in any of the apps (Pages, Numbers or Keynote) where you simply want to "undo." The answer: shake the iPhone! Be aware that shaking is a gesture that is written into the function of many iOS apps, so if you're listening to music on your iOS device and it skips a song, it may simply be a function of you shaking the device.

Using an iPad for classroom presentation. If you want to use your iPad for an in class presentation, it's often a function of simply plugging a VGA adapter into you device's 32-pin USB adapter (the charging port). The trick only works with iPad2's or above and with most apps, but not all of them. The library has cables that you can check out to use for this purpose. See Marcia or Rich of you want to use one.