From the Library

Rich Leiter
Rich Leiter

Online Resources Update
Constitute; The World's Constitutions to Read, Search and Compare
A new website produced by the Comparative Constitutions Project allows users to read constitutions from over 100 countries. A good clean interface, the site can be useful for comparative constitutional research. Beginning in November, the excellent Congressional resource,, an online resource that covers everything related to the business of Congress, will become You can use the beta version of this excellent resource now at: Used in conjunction with, users can track congress's business in detail. (And hold those rascals accountable!)

Laptop Checkout Program
We hope that you appreciate the library's new laptop checkout program. It's a new service that we're providing to students, so we're anxious for feedback about how you feel it's working. Please let me (Richard Leiter) know ( if you have comments or suggestions about ways that we might improve the service. We'll also be sending out a survey later in the semester to gather your feedback about how well its working.

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