From the Library

Rich Leiter
Rich Leiter

Need Help on Topical Research Resources?
Don’t forget the library’s growing body of LibGuides for specialized research guides as well as links to STIR Talk information.

Keeping Up With the Library
For the latest information about the library, law and legal education, follow us on Twitter @schmidlibrary and Facebook

Chess Set
We are pleased to announce that the library now has a chess set for check out. The competition quality set includes a board, weighted pieces and a timer. It may be checked out any time from the Circulation Desk for friendly competition and relaxation. Let the games begin! Enjoy!

Study Aids: Nutshells, Hornbooks, etc.
Don’t forget to “check out” the study aids behind the reference desk. Nutshells, hornbooks and other study aids that can be checked out for one week.

Please consider using the recoiling bins when you dispose of cans and bottles. There are many recycling receptacles around the library and around the law college and it’s easy enough to do. Think about it: if it can be recycled, it’s a waste to not do so when it’s convenient to do it! Even if you are philosophically opposed to the practice, you’ll bring peace of mind to those who support it. And, with very little effort you’ll be doing a very good thing.

The Eagle Has Landed….
in the new newspaper rack outside seminar room 131 on the south side of the first floor of the library. Check it out.