From the Library

Rich Leiter
Rich Leiter

Food Deliveries in the Library?
We don’t allow food deliveries in the library. We know that Jimmie Johns is freaking fast, but that just means that you’ll need to be extra-quick to meet your sandwich in the LOBBY of the law college! Please don’t have food from any restaurant delivered to the Circulation Desk. - Register for Your Free Student Account
PracticalLaw is an online interactive forms database that’s available to all law students for free for you to use throughout law school, until six months after you graduate. The service, first developed in England and recently acquired by Thomson Reuters (West), is designed to provide you with a comprehensive collection of forms that can be used in practice. It’s also designed to be simple for you to register. Unfortunately, intentions haven’t quite met up with practice. To register, follow this link: and click on the button/banner for student registration. Be sure to fill out the form completely, including your anticipated year of graduation and UNL email address. If the web form isn’t filled out completely, you won’t receive an error message. If you don’t hear back from them within a few days, call this phone number: 646-562-3405. If you have any further difficulties registering, please see one of the librarians for help.

¡¡Don’t Move Classroom Furniture!!
If you use a classroom and need to move furniture to accommodate a special event, please contact Chris Evans, Bob Bennett or Marcia Dority Baker first. Most the furnishings in the library are “plugged in” to facilitate the use of classroom technology. Moving furniture without knowing how it’s connected may damage the equipment.

Need Help on Topical Research Resources?
Don’t forget the library’s growing body of LibGuides for specialized research guides as well as links to STIR Talk information.

Keeping Up With the Library
For the latest information about the library, law and legal education, follow us on Twitter @schmidlibrary and Facebook