From the Library

Rich Leiter
Rich Leiter

Student WiFi Snafu
Returning students, it is likely that you will not have access to the Law College’s wifi network. The university’s wifi administrators unexpectedly deleted many student registrations for the network. If you try to get access and get an error message, you will need to re-register your computer. The Law College Information Technology Services department sent out an information sheet about how to re-register your hardware. (It’s the same process that you used when you originally registered your computer.) If you have lost the email or have questions, please contact Bob or Chris, or drop by and see them for assistance. We apologize for the inconvenience.

New Student Printer Lab Software
Student network printing will be easier and cheaper. Please drop by the IT Suite on the first floor to get set up on the new system. The new server software, PaperCut, will also allow for printing of Google Docs and from ChromeBooks.

Where Was that Book?
You may notice that you favorite materials on the first floor have moved, if only slightly. In order to make room for the growth of some large sets and make way for the addition of new titles we have spent the summer shifting virtually all the books on the main floor. In the most extreme cases the books have simply been shifted one or two ranges, in others, only a few shelves. If you have the call numbers, you should have no problem locating your materials. If you do encounter problems finding your materials, please contact someone on the library staff for assistance.

Need Technology in Classrooms?
Students, if you need technology in a classroom for a special speaker or to make your own presentation, please fill out this form as far in advance as possible so that we can be prepared and have the equipment set up for you: