This Week at a Glance
A list of student programming at the Law College: Continue reading…
A list of student programming at the Law College: Continue reading…
Locked Out of the Study Rooms?
Book Scanner
Plan Ahead: Update Your Printer Driver
Website Links Continue reading…
The 44th annual OBA Kickoff Bar-B-Que is hosted by First National Wealth Management. There will be a reception at 5:30 and a dinner following from 6:30- 8:00. The CSO will pay your fee to the BBQ (if you attend!) This is a great networking opportunity!! Typically 200-300 attorneys and judges will be present. If you want to be, or will be, in Omaha following graduation, GO! (business attire) Continue reading…
If you are a 2L or a 3L, please do not forget to continue looking at the OCI line-up as well as the job postings in ROSCOE. Abrahams Kaslow and Cassman as well as First National Bank will be coming on campus but those dates have yet to be determined. In addition, we signed up Disability Rights Nebraska last week. They will be here on the 15th and they have an immediate need for law clerks. Continue reading…
Join us Tues, Sept. 9th at 8:30 AM in room 124 to learn about the Nebraska Law Student Ambassadors. During this short (15-20 min.) info session we will cover the duties of an Ambassador and distribute applications. Current Ambassadors need not attend but do need to complete an application. Unable to attend? Swing by the Admissions Office for more info. Continue reading…
“Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism”
Thursday, September 4
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Hamman Auditorium
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Tuesday September 9
Hamann Auditorium
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Mark your calendars now for Friday, September 12. We will have an all-school picnic on the Law College grounds at 12:00. Continue reading…
Friday, September 12
What's that, you ask?
An annual "Welcome and Welcome Back!" party: an evening of great company, conversation, food, drink, and trivia! Continue reading…
Wednesday, September 17
The Community Legal Education Project (CLEP) is looking for volunteers to teach local 8th graders about the Constitution. The curriculum and presentation will be provided to you as well as a brief training session.
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3:45 - 4:45
Library Basement, North Side
This is an invitation to everyone in the Law School Community to join us for free weekly Yoga classes.
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Some people think, "I'll never have an interview meal. Interview meals are for finance or accounting majors and law students." No matter what business you are in, you are always eating with others. There are meetings that run long, where sandwiches are ordered in; dining with clients or vendors; lunches and dinners with trade groups or at conventions; charitable fundraisers; company events with food; and if you have a cafeteria on site, you might lunch with many different people. Continue reading…
Tuesday, September 2
12:00 p.m.
Hamann Auditorium
Join us if you would like to learn more about WLC and what we do. We'll be serving food from La Paz to those who RSVP’d. Continue reading…
Tuesday, September 2
12:00 p.m.
Room 109
DTP is one of two legal fraternities here at the law school. We host several social events, as well as community service projects throughout the year. This is a great way to get involved and meet new people in the process.
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Wednesday, September 3
12:00 p.m.
Room 109
Please come learn more about SIPLA and what we do as well as help us plan our events for the year. We'll be providing FREE LUNCH to those who RSVP to by noon on Tuesday, September 2nd.
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Monday, September 8
12:00 P.M.
Room 109
Come join the Equal Justice Society for an informational meeting for the coming year!
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