On Wednesday October 5, from 8:00-9:00 am, Greater Nebraska Connections will be hosting a talk over coffee and donuts with Kayla Schnuelle. Kayla is the Young Leader Coordinator and Marketing Specialist from the Rural Futures Institute. She is also coordinating the Connecting Young Nebraskans summit in later October. Kayla will be discussing rural life, leadership, economic development, etc. She will also discuss the CYN Summit coming up, and how attending can be beneficial for law students. Greater Nebraska Connections is hoping to add a rural context to Community Justice Week this year!
College of Law Sounding Block Mon. Oct. 03, 2016
- Beyond the Basics: Research Expo
- From the Career Development Office
- Community Justice Week Kickoff
- STIR Talk - Professor Jessica Shoemaker
- From the Law Library
- Exploring Opportunities: Public Interest Law
- Community Conversation
- Community Justice Week
- Greater Nebraska Connections Community Justice Week Coffee
- Community Justice Week Movie Night
- Human Trafficking Conference
- Government and Public Interest Information Fair
- 5th Annual Justice Jam
- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Information Session
- Equal Justice Society Potluck at Professor Shoemaker's House