You may have noticed a new feature on the website over the weekend. On the left-hand side is a link to “Contact the Dean.” This will take you to a page (http://law.unl.edu/contact-the-dean/) that allows you to send me directly a question, complaint, concern, or really anything you want. I hope you know that you can always talk to any professor or administrator about any issue you may have with the law school. These people often will be your first and best options. However, if you are uncomfortable doing that for any reason, or you just want to tell me something, I want to give members of the law school community the ability to do that directly and easily.
I would love for you to stop by and talk to me anytime if you have things to discuss. But, not everyone feels comfortable doing that in person, so I hope this comment link will facilitate those who wish to write out a comment. You have the ability to leave the comment anonymously, but please know that the system is not perfect for that - I explain the limitations on the website. Also, I would encourage you not to be anonymous, because I will only be able to respond if I have an email address to use.
I take your comments very seriously, so please reach out either in person, my direct email, or through this comment box if there is anything you want to tell the College.