NESLA (the Nebraska entertainment and sports law association) will be hosting a Monday Night Football Party this Monday (Oct 3rd). It will be as Risky's Bar and Grill located at 48th & Leighton. People can start arriving around 7:15pm. It is open to everyone and NESLA and there will be some free drinks. Join us!
College of Law Sounding Block Mon. Oct. 03, 2011
- Don't Delay Taking the MPRE
- Shavers Participates in UNL's Human Trafficking Conference
- From Schmid Law Library
- Attention 3Ls! Senior Transcript Pictures Information
- NESLA Hosts Monday Night Football - Tonight!
- CLS Sponsors Coat & Blanket Drive
- New Books @ Schmid Law Library
- TODAY: Federal Loan Forgiveness Programs - What you need to know
- Fall OCI Continues
- Nominations sought for professorships
- The ABCs of RSVP