The Christian Legal Society will be sponsoring a coat and blanket drive this week (Oct. 3 - 7 ) to benefit Lincoln's People's City Mission. Bins for donations will be located in the downstairs student lounge. Please consider donating to help keep those less fortunate warm during this upcoming winter. For more information check out UNL LAW CLS on Facebook.
College of Law Sounding Block Mon. Oct. 03, 2011
- Don't Delay Taking the MPRE
- Shavers Participates in UNL's Human Trafficking Conference
- From Schmid Law Library
- Attention 3Ls! Senior Transcript Pictures Information
- NESLA Hosts Monday Night Football - Tonight!
- CLS Sponsors Coat & Blanket Drive
- New Books @ Schmid Law Library
- TODAY: Federal Loan Forgiveness Programs - What you need to know
- Fall OCI Continues
- Nominations sought for professorships
- The ABCs of RSVP