From Schmid Law Library

Professor Rich Leiter
Professor Rich Leiter

Levit8 Standing Desk Options
We have purchased two sizes of the Levit8 - flat folding portable standing desks. They are now available for check out at the circulation desk with lending periods roughly equivalent to the times that you can check out study rooms. The Levit8 standing desks are easy to carry and can be used at any table or carrel to convert your work surface into a standing one. We are testing them to see if they'll work until we get rolling with remodeling the library and installing a number of standing desks.

Keeping Your Lexis/Westlaw/Bloomberg - User Privileges Straight
Lexis encourages you to use your password and account at your workplace, whether you're at a firm or any other kind of law office. This is true for the summer, too.

Westlaw one the other hand strictly forbids use of your account and password for any other purpose than school work.

Bloomberg is on record as saying that they encourage students to use their law school accounts in their summer jobs, but it is unknown whether they encourage use outside of classwork during the school year.