Clinics Information Meeting

Monday, February 4, 2019
12:10 pm–1:30 pm

All students interested in taking one of the Clinics (Children’s Justice, Civil, Criminal, Entrepreneurship and Immigration) in the summer of 2019 through Spring 2020 should attend the informational meeting that will be held on Tuesday, February 5th at noon in rm. 111. Pizza will be provided! Professors Paxton (Children’s Justice Clinic), Schmidt (Criminal Clinic), Stohs (Entrepreneurship Clinic), Sullivan (Civil Clinic) and Ruser (Immigration Clinic) will make a short presentation on each of the Clinics. A link to the online Clinic’s application will be provided via email shorty after the meeting. If you are interested in finding out more about the Clinics or applying to take one or more Clinics but cannot attend the meeting on the 5th, contact Professor Paxton (, Professor Schmidt (, Professor Stohs (, Professor Sullivan (, Professor Ruser (, or come to the Clinic offices in the Schmid Clinic Building located on the south side of the Law College.