Career Development Office

Tasha from the CDO
Tasha from the CDO

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CDO will be in the Lobby every Monday from 9:45 – 10:45am and Friday from 2:30 – 3:30pm.

Great Jobs found in ROSCOE:

NPILF (Nebraska Public Interest Law Fund) is now open in ROSCOE. The Nebraska Public Interest Law Fund (NPILF) Summer Fellowships provide a limited number of stipends to matriculated University of Nebraska College of Law students who secure summer positions that serve the public interest. To be considered for a fellowship, applicants must meet certain individual and host-organization criteria described herein. NPILF strongly encourages all interested students to apply.

LAST day to sign up for the Spring Break Shadow Program! This year over 20 judges, business, law firms and organizations have signed up to host students. A list of all the employers who have signed up can be found in the document library of ROSCOE. Stop down in the CDO to sign up for a chance to shadow someone for a half day! A few of the employers that still have openings are:
• Nebraska Department of Education
• First National Bank of Omaha
• Dodge County Attorney’s Office
• Pennington County Attorney’s Office
• Many more!

If you have secured summer employment please add to the employment section of your ROSCOE account. If you are unsure how to do that please stop down to the CDO and we can help.

Upcoming CDO Events:

Nebraska State Bar Sections for the Law Speed Networking Event
Thursday, March 7
4:00pm – 5:30pm
Student Lounge

Take part in our fifth-annual high-energy networking event that we put on in conjunction with the Nebraska State Bar Association. Representatives from most, if not all, of the 30 sections of the NSBA will be seated at tables while students rotate every four minutes. Dust off your elevator speech and get ready to ask questions! Make connections that can last a lifetime or just learn a bit more about the kinds of law that are being practiced in the community. The speed-networking will be followed by a reception complete with beverages and appetizers. Take advantage of this time to meet other attorneys or follow up with your favorites! We need hard numbers to plan this event so RSVP today if you can commit to being there. This event is one of the highlights of the CDO line-up for many students. RSVP must be in by March 1st.

Small Group with Alumni Master Jisella Veath Dolan
Friday, March 8, 2019
Multiple options – Sign up in ROSCOE
Room 179C

Take advantage of the opportunity to meet with 2019 Alumni Master Jisella Dolan either individually or in a small group. Jisella Veath Dolan was a member of the law college Class of 2001. She is currently the Chief Advocacy Officer for HomeInstead Senior Care. In her role, Jisella leads the Advocacy division, which includes the Standards, Legal, Government Affairs and Thought Leadership departments. These departments are dedicated to advocating for aging adults and their families, ensuring a consistent quality care experience, protecting the integrity of the Home Instead Senior Care brand and shaping and influencing home care policy around the world.