To kick off the semester in the best possible way and to ensure your success and the success of your students, the Libraries has come up with a list of the top 10 ways we can support your teaching and research at Nebraska. Have a great semester!
1. Partner with a Librarian – to support teaching and information literacy, help you with data research plans, support you at all stages of your research, guide you to open access resources & more!
2. Connect to the Libraries within CANVAS – embed research guides, add a librarian to your course, or create a Libraries Course Materials list (saving your students money on textbooks!)
3. Access the information you need – databases, full-text journals, e-books, and archival materials. If we don’t have access to what you need, use Interlibrary Loan/document delivery to let us know.
4. Manage your research data – attend our workshops to plan, organize, share, and store your research data.
5. Citation management tools – manage your research materials for footnotes and bibliographies.
6. Online Tutorials – online tutorials for some of our resources and services. We can customize a tutorial specifically for your students.
7. Incorporate digital equipment & technology – borrow from a wide range of digital equipment or use our 3D scanners, cameras, or specialized software.
8. Reduce Costs of Course materials – consult with a librarian on how to adopt, adapt, or author an open educational resource (OER).
9. Showcase your Research – post your materials in the UNL Digital Commons. We offer guidance on managing your researcher identity; copyright and licensing; open access; article processing charges; metadata, and more.
10. Subscribe to the Libraries Buzz newsletter to receive news on collections, resources, workshops, and more.