Libraries Course Materials Tool Provides Students No-Cost Course Materials in Canvas

The Libraries Course Materials tool now appears by default in any new course’s Canvas navigation menu.
The Libraries Course Materials tool now appears by default in any new course’s Canvas navigation menu.

Since Spring 2022, the Libraries Course Materials Program has provided UNL students a potential cost savings of over $2 million dollars by providing seamless Day 1 access to Libraries-licensed (books, chapters, journal articles, and streaming video) and other course materials in Canvas.

The Libraries Course Materials tool now appears by default in any new course’s Canvas navigation menu. As with other Canvas menu options, instructors can select the order in which menu items appear, enable if not already enabled in a rollover course, and disable if they’re not using the tool in a course.

Instructors may create their own Libraries Course Materials lists, or request Libraries' staff create lists for them. In addition, the Libraries may be able to purchase and link unlimited license e-versions of required and recommended textbooks. As instructors consider textbooks and other course materials for Spring semester 2025, they may submit a syllabus or reading list or contact Zach Eden at in the University Libraries for assistance.

The Libraries Course Materials Guide provides screenshots and tips for building and working with course materials lists.

Instructors are invited to join a Libraries Course Materials Overview session in Zoom on Tuesday, October 29 from 11:00-11:45 AM. For more information and a link to register, please visit The session will be recorded and provided to registered participants.

To further the Libraries’ goals to support instructors’ efforts to provide seamless access to relevant and affordable course materials, librarians will consult with instructors who seek to discover free, open, or library-licensed alternative course materials to meet their teaching and learning goals. Instructors may request a course materials consultation by sharing a syllabus or current reading list. Limited grant funds are available for instructors who choose to replace all or some of their current course materials with no or low-cost alternatives.