Winter Ops Webinars: Recordings Available

NE LTAP hosted two webinars in late 2020 focused on winter weather activities of local public agencies.
NE LTAP hosted two webinars in late 2020 focused on winter weather activities of local public agencies.

Recordings are available for the two Winter Ops webinars.

Winter Weather Outlook for 2020-21
Al Dutcher, Nebraska Extension Agricultural Climatologist, joined us to provide his expectations for Winter 2020-21, particularly ice and snow events and a look at how a season forecast is made.

Using Social Media to Communicate with the Traveling Public with a panel including Carol Cornelius from the Black Hawk County Highway Department (Iowa) and Jerry Buum from the Union County Highway Department (South Dakota). Each department shared how they utilize social media (Facebook and Twitter) to update the traveling public on snow and ice events, safe road use, construction and maintenance projects, job openings, etc.

More details at: