2021 EDC Virtual Safety Summit Series

Safety innovations are a key part of the Every Day Counts Program.
Safety innovations are a key part of the Every Day Counts Program.

Sharing Success and Expanding Implementation to Save Lives

Safety innovations have been a cornerstone of the Every Day Counts (EDC) program since 2011, resulting in their rapid deployment and institutionalization, and the upcoming EDC Safety Summit Series will build on that momentum.

Featured EDC Initiatives
Sept. 1: Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP)
Sept. 8: Data-Driven Safety Analysis (DDSA)
Sept. 15: Reducing Rural Roadway Departures (FoRRRwD) including High Friction Surface Treatment and SafetyEdge(SM)
Sept. 22: Intersection and Interchange Geometrics
Sept. 29: Road Diets

The summit series, scheduled for each Wednesday during September, will highlight seven safety initiatives, and share how they can save lives. The series will benefit those who are just beginning to implement these innovations, those who are further along and could gain from peer-to-peer engagement, and those with deployment stories to share. It will include opportunities to discuss hot topics with peers and establish relationships that can boost success now and in the future.

Each day of the series will kick off with FHWA leadership perspectives with opportunities for questions and answers, followed by interactive State and local presentations and a topic-based breakout session, as well as a local innovation safety showcase. There will also be engagement opportunities with other participants and peer-to-peer networking.

The summit will take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. CT (8 a.m. to 12 p.m. MT) each day and is open to all State, local, and tribal stakeholders. Participants can join for one or all five Wednesdays.

More details at: https://www.labroots.com/ms/virtual-event/2021-edc-virtual-safety-summit-series