As of 2008, 33% of roads in the U.S. are unpaved or unsurfaced, and evaluating these roads requires a different perspective than evaluating asphalt or concrete roads. TRB will host a webinar on Wednesday, August 25, 2021 from 1:00-2:30 PM Eastern that will present two methodologies for unsurfaced road evaluation and rating. One is the unsurfaced road condition index (URCI) developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The other is the gravel pavement surface evaluation and rating (PASER) method developed by the Transportation Information Center at the University of Wisconsin. The webinar can help municipalities and other agencies rate their roads to help establish budgets, make timely repairs, and set up cost effective maintenance procedures.
This webinar was organized by TRB's Standing Technical Committee on Aggregates.
Some registrants will need to pay $55 to attend this webinar. Sign into to view registration information.
Webinar agenda and presenters
- Distresses, deduct values, and scoring system used in URCI: Phil Donovan, Applied Research Associates
- Defects and rating system in Transportation Information Center gravel PASER method: Chris Senseney, University of Colorado
- Common maintenance and repair procedures to repair damaged unsurfaced roads: Chris Senseney, University of Colorado
- Question and answer session: Moderated by Andrew Dawson, University of Nottingham
Learning Objectives
At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Establish a basic framework for an evaluation and rating system for unsurfaced road network
Professional Development Hour Information
Professional engineers (PEs) who register and attend the entire webinar as an individual will be awarded 1.5 Professional Development Hours (PDHs). TRB’s webinar program awards PDH credits only to the registered individual, and not to other members of a group that view the webinar together. To be eligible for the credits, individuals must remain signed in for the entire webinar, including for any question and answer session following the presentations.
Please check with your licensing board to ensure that TRB webinar PDHs are approved by your board.
TRB will report credits earned to the Registered Continuing Education Program (RCEP). Complaints about registered providers may be sent to RCEP, 1015 15th Street, NW, 8th Floor, Washington, D.C., 20005.
Pre-registration is required. Once the webinar starts, you will be unable to register.
More details at: