Hello Nebraska road and street professionals! I have been spending some time this week preparing for the Nebraska Board of Examiners pre-exam workshop. I can tell you that many folks are doing their best to prepare presentations, resources, discussions, and practice questions that will best help new license candidates pass their County Highway and City Street Superintendent license exam. It’s definitely a challenging exam, but for good reason. Licensed superintendents are placed in a highly responsible public position, where they are charged with significant budget authority, staffing and personnel management, road safety, and public service duties that demand certain knowledge and professionalism. I think the exam is a good representation of that important role. If your organization has a licensed professional as your leader then you are in a better place than some, but here is something else to think about. Succession planning is critical for any department. We should always be thinking about the future of our team. Preparing a deserving team member for the next step in their career is personally rewarding, may be key to retaining that employee, and is great for the organization. Building lasting organizational knowledge requires proper strategic planning and retaining good people. So if you don’t have a license, I would encourage you to make this a goal. If there is a great employee with the potential to lead, you may think about steering them to gain licensure. If you have questions about this, please contact Lemoyne.Schulz@nebraska.gov.
More details at: https://dot.nebraska.gov/business-center/lpa/boards-liaison/bex/