Nebraska LTAP | October 2022

Complete Streets is a growing movement to provide safe transportation facilities for all users, regardless of mode.
Complete Streets is a growing movement to provide safe transportation facilities for all users, regardless of mode.

Complete Streets Workshop

"Complete Streets" is a movement in transportation ensuring safe streets are accessible to all ages and abilities in all the transportation modes - pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, and transit. Explore this approach for your street system in this two-day workshop November 17-18 in Lincoln. Continue reading…

More details at:

Welding Workshops

Register today for these popular hands-on welding workshops!Anthony Stampe is back for welding workshops in Platte Center (Oct. 26) and Grand Island (Oct. 27). This training will brush up on skills for a variety of welding types including stick, TIG, MIG, and Flux Core. See a full list of topics and register at

Originally published October 12, 2022 - Submit an Item