Nebraska LTAP | November 2022

Nebraska LTAP Office Closed for Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from the Nebraska LTAP staff.The Nebraska LTAP Office will be closed on Thursday, November 24 and Friday, November 25 in observance of Thanksgiving. We thank you for your support and all thew work you do for the Nebraska transportation network.

Join a webinar with strategies for keeping public sidewalks ice-free.
Join a webinar with strategies for keeping public sidewalks ice-free.

Maintaining Safe Walking Surfaces in the Winter Webinar

New Jersey LTAP is hosting a webinar on Maintaining Safe Walking Surfaces in the Winter on November 21 at 9 Central/8 Mountain. This presentation will discuss how to prevent and manage icy walking surfaces under the responsibility of municipalities and counties, such as sidewalks. Continue reading…

More details at:

Advocating for Your Construction Workforce – FHWA Webinar

If your organization is focused on building a skilled workforce and encouraging economic development, join the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the National Skills Coalition for a live webinar on Tuesday, November 15, from 12:30—2:00 PM CST or 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM MST! Continue reading…

More details at:
Originally published November 10, 2022 - Submit an Item