Nebraska LTAP is offering the Road Safety Champion Program from the Rural Road Safety Center online. Register for the February 3 and March 3 sessions. You do not have to have participated in previous sessions to join in on the series.
The Road Safety Champion Program (RSCP) is a nationally recognized certificate program designed to build a knowledgeable, safety minded workforce, responsible for operating, maintaining, and designing local roads. Road Safety Champions prioritize safety and are motivated to implement safety improvements that reduce fatalities and serious injuries on rural and local roadways.
Training participants will complete a series of courses in core and specialized safety issues. When all requirements are met, participants will be awarded a Road Safety Champion Program Certificate. (Note: the certificate is not a degree or professional certification.)
The RSCP is open to all staff from transportation, public health, and law enforcement agencies who have an interest in roadway safety but are not safety experts. Think of it as a “Roadway Safety 101” course.
Course Series Topics:
- Introduction to Roadway Safety
- Anatomy of a Crash - Understanding Human Factors
- Introduction to Traffic Safety Culture
- Overview of the MUTCD
- Intersection of Transportation with Public Health and Law Enforcement
- Reading the Roadway
- Safety Analysis Process
More details at: https://unl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvdOuvrDMsGdFW3eLZ0V7wIHGLJJXFBxzJ