Registration is open for the 2023 Nebraska Asphalt Conference to be held February 14-15 in Kearney at the Younes Conference Center South. This year's event features updates from industry partners and cutting edge researchers. Register: reading…
Nebraska LTAP is offering the Road Safety Champion Program from the Rural Road Safety Center online. Register for the April 7 session, Intersection of Transportation with Public Health and Law Enforcement and the May 5 session, Reading the Roadway. Continue reading…
Sessions of Basic and Advanced Temporary Traffic Control have been scheduled statewide for the coming months and registration is open. Continue reading…
Nebraska is hosting the 2023 APWA North American Snow Conference April 16-19 in Omaha. Click through to learn more about the event, see ways to attend for free or reduced cost, and register. Continue reading…
Washington County is seeking applicants for a Highway Superintendent. Click through to read the job description and find the link to apply. Continue reading…
The 13th TRB Low Volume Roads Conference is coming to Cedar Rapids, Iowa in July. Workforce Development Funds will be available to cover the registration costs of a few Nebraska Local Public Agency Employees. Continue reading…
FHWA is hosting a Virtual Summit to introduce the Every Day Counts (EDC) 7 Initiatives on February 14-16, 2023. The Summit will include speakers, exhibits, and networking on each of the new focus areas. Continue reading…
The Nebraska Winter Maintenance Workshop is moving to the Adams County Fairgrounds in Hastings and will be held June 21-22. Join us for equipment skills tests and conference programming for operators. The room block at the Hastings Holiday Inn Express is open.
York's access grant includes funding for trails and a pedestrian crossing near the I-80 interchange.