Winter Weather Tracker

Our colleagues at the New Hampshire LTAP have recently released a Winter Weather Tracker. This spreadsheet template will help in allows you to easily capture and save winter storm data including precipitation, temperature, material and labor costs, material use, and more. With minimum setup you can customize the spreadsheet to your municipality or county. It's in beta testing at this point, with the hopes that early users will report any errors, issues, or general feedback to me so NH LTAP can continue improving this resource.

To access the storm tracker, please complete a brief form (name/organization/email) so you can be sent the Excel file and also keep you posted of any updates or changes as others begin using it.

They developed two videos to help in setting up and using the storm response tracker, available on the NH LTAP YouTube channel, and a third video will be developed on how to prepare the tracker for subsequent years.

  1. Initial storm response tracker setup (customizing your community's costs, employee roster, etc.)
  2. Using the storm response tracker (entering and saving data by storm)
Feedback should be directed to the NH LTAP Center.

More details at: