Nebraska LTAP and NDOT are bringing a one-day class for bridge inspectors to get up to speed on the new scour requirements in SNBI. Two classes are available on October 30 and November 6. Continue reading…
Seats are available in the next two-week bridge inspector class! This is the first step to becoming a certified bridge inspector. Usually we have a wait-list for this class so if you've missed out before or have been thinking about it, here's your chance! Continue reading…
Come to MINK in St. Joseph, MO for two great days of local roads conversations.
MINK is a gathering of local roads professionals in St. Joseph, MO each September with an agenda packed with local topics. This year's event is September 25-26. Continue reading…
Registration for the 39th Annual Local Roads Conference in Sioux Falls, SD to be held October 21-23 will open soon! Make plans to attend now. This year's agenda will feature break-out sessions tailored for both county and municipal attendees. Continue reading…
NDOT has launched the Nebraska Infrastructure Hub to support local public agencies competing for federal discretionary grants. Click through to read the announcement from Director Vicki Kramer. Continue reading…
The NDOT Research Program is soliciting Statements of Need for future funding opportunities. These ideas can come from the general public, cities, counties, consultants, suppliers, contractors, Universities, FHWA and within Nebraska Department of Transportation. Continue reading…
On August 22, 2024 the United States Department of Transportation published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Adoption of Accessibility Standards for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way, proposing to amend its rules implementing the transportation provisions under the ADA. Continue reading…
Carl Hart, Nebraska Department of Transportation project manager, gives several bones that he recovered on a project in north central Nebraska to Shane Tucker, highway paleontologist. Photo courtesy Nebraska Public Media