The Nebraska Infrastructure Hub

NDOT's Nebraska Infrastructure Hub is a new resource for local agencies seeking federal grants.
NDOT's Nebraska Infrastructure Hub is a new resource for local agencies seeking federal grants.

From Vicki Kramer, NDOT Director:

Dear Local Partners,
The NDOT has launched the Nebraska Infrastructure Hub, the state’s first-ever intergovernmental entity focused on empowering state and local public agencies in competing for federal discretionary grants. This initiative aligns with Governor Pillen’s vision of increasing Nebraska’s competitiveness for federal funding. Through technical assistance from NDOT, the Hub will support communities from initial application through project administration, ensuring compliance with federal requirements and deadlines.

As many of you know, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) or Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) has introduced unprecedented federal discretionary funding opportunities. The Nebraska Infrastructure Hub offers comprehensive resources and expert guidance to help communities navigate the competitive grant application process. Key components of the Hub include:

  • Grant Pairing Portal: Matches projects with suitable grants.
  • Project Development Support Team: Two full-time members provide personalized assistance and feedback on draft proposals.
  • Technical Support: On-call consultants available to enhance proposals.
  • Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation: Ensures compliance and success of grant-funded projects.
  • Partnerships and Networking Opportunities: Facilitates collaboration among stakeholders.
The establishment of the Nebraska Infrastructure Hub represents a proactive approach to advancing infrastructure development and enhancing transportation systems within the state. By centralizing decision-making, promoting transparency, and fostering collaboration, the Hub will play a pivotal role in accelerating the delivery of critical infrastructure projects and driving sustainable economic growth and prosperity across Nebraska communities.

We invite you to learn more by visiting the Nebraska Infrastructure Hub:

Additionally, NDOT provided an overview of services offered through the Infrastructure Hub at Nebraska’s Ag and Economic Development Summit on August 8, 2024, in Kearney, Neb.

Thank you for your continued dedication to improving Nebraska’s infrastructure. We look forward to working together to leverage these new opportunities.
Vicki Kramer, NDOT Director

More details at: