This month I want to highlight NDOT support that is available to local government agencies in Nebraska to help them access Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) discretionary transportation funding. NDOTs Local Assistance Division has a new office, the Nebraska Infrastructure Hub, whose purpose is to assist local governments and tribes in applying for and managing BIL grants.
If you search Nebraska Infrastructure Hub, you will find NDOTs website dedicated to helping you obtain information and support for available grants. There is information about grants that have already been awarded across our state, and a grant-pairing portal that can help you determine which grants may fit your project. I urge you to check out the Grants 101 or Resources link on that website. That page is packed with grant information, from basic to more detailed grant topics on the left side of the page, to a great listing of resources and documents on the right side. It really is a go-to page if you are thinking about capturing grant funding for your agency.
Another important link on NDOTs Nebraska Infrastructure Hub webpage is the contact form. This is how you get in touch with NDOT staff to help with anything related to BIL grants. Fill out the form and someone will get back with you. Why not take the first step and reach out for more information? Good luck and thanks for checking out the website.