Withdrawal Deadline Extended to April 24
The university has extended the deadline to withdraw from a course to April 24. This is to provide flexibility and time for students who find completing a course difficult in their new circumstances or who are struggling with the transition to remote instruction. If you are interested in withdrawing from a course, we strongly encourage you to consult with your academic advisor and a financial aid counselor before finalizing any decisions. Course withdrawal may adversely impact progress toward degree completion and impact financial aid status. If you withdraw from a course, you will not receive a refund.
Pass/No Pass Policy Changed for Spring 2020
The deadline has been extended to allow undergraduates the opportunity to change their grade in one or more specific courses to pass/no pass. The deadline to change a course to the pass/no pass grading basis or to change a course back to a letter grade has been moved to Friday, May 29. It is recommended that you wait until after the Spring 2020 semester ends and final grades have been posted to change a course to the pass/no pass grading basis. Courses taken on the pass/no pass basis during the Spring 2020 semester will be allowed to count for any major, minor, or degree requirement, and courses not normally allow to be taken for a pass/no pass grade will be allowed. Any Spring 2020 course taken on the pass/no pass grading basis will also not be counted against any limitations on pass/no pass courses. Undergraduate students must consult with their assigned academic advisor to have grading basis changed for any course.
Questions? There is an excellent FAQs document about this change available here: https://covid19.unl.edu/undergraduate-pass-no-pass-qa.
Additional Updates
Please be sure to monitor https://covid19.unl.edu/students for additional updates and important information about changes in response to COVID-19. Also, you MUST be checking your @huskers.unl.edu email account daily (or several times per day) for important course information and updates.