What is math research and how do I get involved?

UNL chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics
UNL chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics

What is math research and how do I get involved?

The UNL chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics invites you to a panel on Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) on Monday, October 5th from 4 – 5 pm. We will provide a summary of what these types of programs involve, the benefits of participating in undergraduate research, and tips on applying to REUs. There will be plenty of time to address any specific questions you may have.

Everyone is welcome at our AWM events regardless of their major; we especially encourage students of all under-represented genders to attend. No membership is required. Details can be found below:

Date: Monday, October 5th
Time: 4 pm (central)
Zoom link: https://unl.zoom.us/j/96316357486
Passcode: 569393
Contact: Abigail Raz, AWM chapter faculty advisor, araz2@unl.edu