Math Undergraduate News

Federal Government Job Search Workshop

Federal Government Job Search WorkshopOn Thursday, October 22 from 3 - 4 pm, Certified Federal Jobs Trainer, Thomas Allison will share top job and internship search strategies for finding opportunities within the Federal Government and will be training interested students on how to succeed in the federal job search process. Continue reading…


Celebrate National Transfer Student Week with CAST

National Student Transfer Week 2020 The Center for Academic Success and Transition (CAST) is celebrating National Transfer Student Week with some free swag to hand out to transfer students on Tuesday, October 20 and Wednesday, October 21 from 9 AM to 12 NOON outside in the outdoor space between the Learning Commons and Love Library. Continue reading…


REU in MechanoBiology at WashU/Penn

RUE in MechanoBiologyThe Center for Engineering Mechanobiology will be hosting an REU program at Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia this summer. Virtual Information Session for undergraduates interested in paid summer research are happening soon! Continue reading…



Professor Petronela RaduIf you have questions, concerns, or just want to talk about your next steps as a student, your faculty advisor, Prof. Petronela Radu (, and your assigned advisor, Doug Pellatz (, are here to help.


STEM Scholarship and Fellowship Deadlines

Pathways to ScienceAlthough it may seem early, fellowship deadlines are right around the corner – with many deadlines in October and early November for funding for the 2021-2022 academic year. Pathways to Science has resources available to help with these STEM funding opportunities. Continue reading…


Knowles Teacher Initiative

Knowles Teacher InitiativeThe Knowles Teaching Fellowship is a five-year program that supports early-career, high school mathematics and science teachers in their efforts to develop the characteristics of a good teacher and lead from the classroom. Submit your application by January 18, 2021 to avoid missing out. Continue reading…


Michigan Program in Survey Methodology

Michigan Program in Survey MethodologyThe University of Michigan Institute for Social Research recently reached out to advertise their graduate programs in Survey Methodology. If you are interested in survey research methods with an eye toward statistics, data science, or social science, their program could be a good fit for you. Continue reading…


NJIT Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences

NJIT PhD Program in MathThe Department of Mathematical Sciences at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) is inviting candidates to apply to one of our doctoral program tracks: (1) Applied Mathematics or (2) Applied Probability & Statistics. Teaching and research assistantships are available. Continue reading…

Originally published October 20, 2020 - Submit an Item