Hello Math Majors,
I hope you are healthy and well. I also hope that you are managing your course load successfully with everything else that is going on.
Each semester, we have a period of time called Priority Registration. Priority Registration is when you enroll for your next full semester of courses, so Priority Registration for the Spring 2021 semester will start on Monday, October 26. This period is called Priority Registration as students who have completed more credit hours are given priority to enroll over students who have completed fewer credit hours. This system works a follows:
Students are given a set enrollment date and time based on how many credit hours they have completed, and each level of students is given three days during the Priority Registration period. So for the Priority Registration for the Spring 2021 semester period, dates will be assigned like so
1. Graduate Students - October 26, 27, and 28
2. Seniors (89 credit hours or more) - October 26, 27, and 28
3. Juniors (53-88 credit hours) - October 29, October 30, and November 2
4. Sophomores (27-52 credit hours) - November 3, 4, and 5
5. Freshmen (0-26 credit hours) - November 6, 9, and 10
So if you are a sophomore, you will have a date and time randomly assigned between 8 am on Tuesday, November 3 and 4:45 pm on Thursday, November 5. The enrollment "appointments" were assigned to you over the weekend, so you should be able to see the date and time on MyRed now. This enrollment appointment is your first opportunity to enroll in Spring 2021 semester courses and January 3-Week Session courses. Once your "appointment" date and time have passed, you will be able to enroll in classes at any time. You can also begin searching the Spring 2021 class schedule and putting classes into your shopping cart for the Spring 2021 semester NOW. If you have questions about classes that you should be enrolling in for the Spring 2021 semester, NOW is the time to have a meeting with me or with Professor Radu.
The University is also working to give you more clarity about how your courses for the Spring 2021 semester will be taught. For the spring, you will see three designations of courses:
Traditional, In-person - Room location listed as well as meeting dates and times - In-person attendance will be REQUIRED
Web-conferencing - Web-conferencing listed as the room, but still has set meeting dates and times in an online format - online lecture attendance will be REQUIRED
Online - No room location or meeting dates or meeting times - course should be asynchronous, and any synchronous meetings being optional
There may be some courses with a combination of in-person and online, in-person and web-conferencing, or web-conferencing and online, but this will be depend on the particular course. The biggest change from the fall semester is that a course that appears to be traditional and in-person will very likely REQUIRE in-person attendance. In addition, web-conferencing courses will REQUIRE attendance in the online meeting format.
For those of you in your first semester (and for students wanting a refresher), I know that you haven't been required to enroll in courses on your own before using MyRed and the Enrollment Scheduler, so I expect that you are a little nervous about how this is all going to work. The Office of the University Registrar has developed an excellent tutorial about how to access and use the Enrollment Scheduler available here: https://registrar.unl.edu/student/registration/tutorials/. The Enrollment Scheduler allows you to input your courses for the Spring 2021 semester along with wanted break times or outside of class commitments. Then, the Enrollment Scheduler will build you a schedule that will include all of your courses and breaks without any course conflicts. You would then be able to chose your favorite course schedule, and then add those courses on that schedule to your shopping cart. Normally, the system is very easy to use. If you are looking for more advanced options with enrollment, please visit https://registrar.unl.edu/student/registration/tips/.
Drop Deadline is Wednesday, October 28th
As we approach the end of the month, please remember that Wednesday, October 28th is the last day to withdraw from one or more full-length regular academic session courses for the fall term. Dropping courses can have implications for future course planning as well as scholarships and financial aid. If you have questions about ramifications for dropping a course, please visit with your advisor as well as Husker Hub to ensure you are aware of how dropping a course could impact you.
Thanks, Doug
Free Flu Shots for Students Are Now Available
The return of fall also means the return of flu season, and with the added risks of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is incredibly important to make sure you are protected from this year's influenza virus. This is why the University Health Center is once again offering free flu shots to students. Learn more about how to get your free flu shot.
COVID-19 vs. the Flu: Will you be able to tell the difference?
As the flu season draws near, you may be wondering how you will know if you have the flu or COVID-19. The experts at the University Health Center answer some of the most common questions about the two viruses in this article.
Fall 2020 Math Advising
All academic advising for the Fall 2020 semester will be completed virtually. This means that all advising meetings and interactions will be conducted on Zoom, over the phone, or via email. Doug and Professor Radu are available to meet your academic advising needs, and we look forward to meeting with you and working with you throughout the fall semester. Even though advising will continue to be virtual, we will do everything we can to support you for the fall semester.
Due to social distancing even if Doug and Professor Radu are in their offices, you will need schedule an advising appointment that will be conducted via Zoom, phone, or email or join drop-in advising on Zoom. If an in-person meeting is absolutely required, arrangements will need to be made well in advance so we can accommodate social distancing in the meeting.
Doug’s advising hours will be:
Appointments – 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
Appointments – 8:30 am to 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm on Wednesday and Fridays
Drop-In Advising – 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Wednesdays and Fridays
You can schedule an appointment with Doug by using the MyPlan system via this link, by calling the College of Arts and Sciences Academic and Career Advising Center at 402-472-4190, by calling him at 402-472-4319, or by emailing him at dpellatz@unl.edu.
For the Fall 2020 semester, Drop-In Advising will replace Walk-in Advising. For Drop-In Advising, you can enter the Zoom waiting room by navigating to https://unl.zoom.us/my/casadvising for quick questions that would not require a scheduled appointment. The College of Arts and Sciences Academic and Career Advising Center will be facilitating all drop-in advising for the fall semester.
Professor Radu’s advising hours will be by appointment only. To schedule a meeting with Professor Radu, please email her at pradu@unl.edu.