Online Undergraduate Resource Fair for the Advancement in Academia of Marginalized Mathematicians

Online Undergraduate Resource Fair for the Advancement in Academia of Marginalized Mathematicians
Online Undergraduate Resource Fair for the Advancement in Academia of Marginalized Mathematicians

Online Undergraduate Resource Fair for the Advancement in Academia of Marginalized Mathematicians

This is the Online Undergraduate Resource Fair for the Advancement in Academia of Marginalized Mathematicians. You're a part of OURFA²M² now.

On December 19, 2020, we will be holding an online resource fair for undergraduate students in math, especially directed at underrepresented and marginalized groups interested in an academia-focused career.

As young mathematicians ourselves, we think a lot about the career-building opportunities we missed out on because we weren’t “in the know.” This is often because we didn’t come from families with ties to academia, didn’t attend the schools that those opportunities are promoted at, don't fit the mold of a "typical" mathematician in the eyes of those who should be looking out for us, or just slipped through the cracks of the educational pipeline in another way. Our goal is to share those resources with other undergrads so that more of us will know about and have access to the kind of career-building opportunities that were valuable to us or that we wish we’d known about sooner.

While we put this conference together, please feel free to contact us at with questions, recommendations, or anything else you'd like to share with us. We're passionate about this project and want to make it as beneficial to as many of our undergrad mathematician peers as possible.

You're not alone on your mathematical journey. You're with us now.

- Alvaro Carbonero, Brittany Gelb, Amaury Miniño, Vanessa Sun, Lee Trent

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