Math Day Volunteers Needed!
Math Day version 2.1 needs volunteers to make the event a success! Please consider volunteering if you have time on Thursday, December 2 from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon or 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. You do not need to volunteer for the full morning or afternoon!
Activity worker/volunteer sign-up is now open for Math Day version 2.1 through the online registration portal: https://mathdayvolunteers.unl.edu/.
Please complete your registration as soon as possible. You may modify your application if need by logging into the volunteer portal again.
• If you worked with Math Day previously in 2014-2020, it is likely that the system already has an account for you. In this case, you will “Login”.
• If you are a first time Math Day activity worker/volunteer, you will need to “Create New Account”.
• More information about the 2021 online event is available here: https://math.unl.edu/programs/mathday/2021.
Please contact Stephanie Vendetti (stephanie.vendetti@unl.edu) in the Center for Science, Mathematics, and Computer Education (251 Avery Hall) if you experience any issues using the online registration system.
Participation in Math Department events like Math Day is considered on the Math Department Scholarship Application!