Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) 2023
SURE 2023 offers insight and learning into some of the hottest topics in data science and computational mathematics through hands-on research experience. Learn to work as a team member by interacting with graduate students and faculty and gain an understanding of what it takes to conduct real-world research.
A ten-week SURE 2023 program will be hosted at Illinois Tech from May 22 to July 28. The program candidates will receive a stipend of $550 per week. The applicants are required to have a foundational background in mathematics (calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra) and some programming skills. If you have any questions regarding the program, please feel free to email yding2@iit.edu.
All applications received by March 15th will receive full consideration. Applications will be received until the positions are filled.
Project Title: Speedier Simulations
Advisers: Sou-Cheng Choi and Fred Hickernell
Project Title: From the Formation of Snowflakes to Crystal Growth
Adviser: Shuwang Li
Project Title: Learning and Modeling Collective Behaviors
Advisers: Yubin Lu and Ming Zhong
Guest Speakers: James Greene (Clarkson University), Siming He (University of South Carolina)