Summer 2023 MATH 310: Introduction to Modern Algebra
During the upcoming Summer 2023 semester, the Math Department plans to offer MATH 310: Introduction to Modern Algebra during the First 5-Week Session (May 30th to June 30th).
Taking the MATH 310 course this summer will allow you to take several 400-level Math courses during the Fall 2023 semester like MATH 412: Modern Geometry, MATH 417: Group Theory, MATH 430: Ordinary Differentials Equations, MATH 445: Number Theory, MATH 460: History of Mathematics, and MATH 487: Probability Theory. The MATH 430, MATH 445, and MATH 487 courses are only offered every other year, and the MATH 412, MATH 417, and MATH 460 courses are only offered in fall semesters.
Taking the MATH 310 course this summer will also help you complete your Math major coursework more quickly, and some students have liked the setup of the summer section of MATH 310 more than when it is taught in fall or spring semesters. Enroll in the MATH 310 course now or it may be canceled!
Here are the important details:
MATH 310 Section 501 (#2621)
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 9:15 AM - 10:50 AM in Avery Hall 108
Instruction: TBD (to be a senior graduate student who is a strong instructor)
Prerequisites: A grade of P, C, or better in MATH 107 or MATH 107H
Description: Elementary number theory, including induction, the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, and modular arithmetic. Introduction to rings and fields as natural extension of the integers. Particular emphasis on the study of polynomials with coefficients in the rational, real, or complex numbers.
The name of the course instructor will be posted to MyRed as soon as it is determined.