COMM 311: Intercultural and Intergroup Communication for International Students
International Students are invited to join a special course that will run during the Fall 2023 semester: COMM 311: Intercultural and Intergroup Communication. This is a 3-hour course that will meet on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 12:30-1:20 pm (COMM 311 Section 001). By taking this course, you can meet your ACE 2 or ACE 9 requirement.
There are still 10 seats reserved for international students (with permission code), and the remaining course seats have filled. You will have the chance to learn about intercultural and intergroup communication and challenges, as well as to get to know your peers on campus, in a fun learning atmosphere. The course will be co-taught with an instructor from Programs in English as a Second Language and an instructor from Communication Studies.
If you are interested in possibly registering for this course and receiving a permission code, please contact Instructor Crystal Bock Thiessen directly at cbock3@unl.edu. There are still 10 seats available for International students even though the remaining seats have been taken.
If you have more questions, please contact Crystal Bock Thiessen at cbock3@unl.edu.