Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science Information Session
The Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science (MPSDS) a graduate program within the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research will host an information session about the program on October 2, 2023. I am reaching out to ask for you to share this information with anyone you think would benefit from attending this session.
This informational session is scheduled for Monday, October 2, 2023 from 10:00-11:00 am CDT. Advance registration is required.
Our curriculum is concerned with a broad set of data sources including survey data, but also including social media posts, sensor data, and administrative records, as well as analytic methods for working with these new data sources. We bring to data science a focus on data quality — which is not at the center of traditional data science. The MPSDS name speaks to what we teach and work on at the intersection of social research and data.
We offer students a choice of “tracks” or emphases—social science, data science or statistics. All of our students are thoroughly introduced to numerous methods for collecting data and combining data from multiple sources for conducting social research. We focus on evaluating and improving data quality.
Please feel free to email pagregor@umich.edu with any questions you may have.