Math Outreach to Unite Aspects of UNO and UNL - NU Discord and More
Hello UNL Math majors!
I am a graduate math student on the Omaha campus, and I run UNOmaha Problem of the Week (a weekly math competition that's open to everyone) and various other math social clubs and events between the Omaha campus and the UNL College of Engineering at PKI. In an effort to both restart various math clubs and organizations across multiple campuses and to better consolidate a lot of department events, scholarships, internships, jobs, and various outside opportunities into one easy-to-access place, an official University of Nebraska Mathematics Discord has been created for anyone (regardless of college or status) who simply likes, or are remotely interested in, Mathematics!
The NU Discord has been advertised for quite a while across UNO and Metro, so we already have a sizable membership group that's mixed between students and faculty. Ultimately, I want to bridge the distance and communication gap between the NU math departments, because as a whole it would be better for our students to be able to network and share academic resources across communities and colleges. With that being said, your students are also invited to compete in the Problem of the Week linked above!
Nonetheless, here’s the invite link that you can share with faculty and students who would like to join: https://discord.gg/EqGDs7DZRA.
Jordan Mae Sahs (She/Her/Hers)
AV & IT Support Technician and CS/Math Tutor, University of Nebraska - Lincoln at PKI
Undergraduate Math Outreach, CS/Math Tutor, and Graduate Mathematics Student, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Email: jsahs@unomaha.edu
Mobile: (402) 267-6504
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