Arts & Sciences Abroad
Interested in studying abroad, but overwhelmed with the options? Meet with someone from Global Experiences to talk it through!
Meet Renae Ninneman, the Global Experiences Coordinator for the College of Arts and Sciences. She can answer all your questions. Please visit https://globalexperiences.unl.edu/renae-ninneman to schedule a meeting with Renae!
Meet Alicia, a grad student and peer mentor. She is great for helping you get started. Please visit https://unlincoln.force.com/SSH/s/profile/0058W00000BUUA2 to schedule a meeting with Alicia!
College of Arts and Sciences Study Abroad Programs 2024
Program Name; Location; Course & Credits; and Dates
Spring Semester in Berlin; Berlin, Germany; GERM 322 + 12 Transfer Credits in German; January 27 - May 11
Psychology of Health the Italian Way; Ischia, Italy; PSYC 292; May 29 - June 12
Israeli Politics and the Arab/Israeli Conflict; Jerusalem, Israel; POLS 477 + 3 Transfer Credits; July 1 - July 25
Europe's Strategic Crossroads; Krakow, Warsaw, & Gdansk, Poland; POLS 263; May 20 - June 11
Summer in Berlin; Berlin, Germany; 6 Transfer Credits of German; May 19 - June 29
Prague to Berlin: Czech and Central European Story: Culture and History; Czechia & Germany; CZEC 391; May 26 - June 16
Angers Summer French Program; Angers, France; 6 Transfer Credits of French; June 29 - July 26
Korean Global Wave; Seoul, South Korea; GLST 391 + 3 Transfer Credits; July 6 - August 2