Volunteers Needed to Test Math Day PROBE I Problems
As part of our preparations for Math Day, we are looking for volunteers to help assess potential questions for the PROBE I exam. PROBE stands for "Problems Requiring Original Brilliant Effort", and while their solution should require only a high school level math background, they are intended to be somewhat out-of-the-ordinary.
What we would ask you to do is to spend however much time you can spare to look at a selection of problems, and "grade" them on a scale of 1 to 5, from 1="quick to solve" to 3="challenging" to 5="wow...". This enables us to be sure we are putting questions of varying (and appropriate) degrees of difficulty on the exam. An indication of which of 5 multiple choice answers is correct will help us catch errors(!), but is not strictly required.
If you would like to help out - we will begin assembling the actual exam based on your responses, starting around November 27 (after Thanksgiving break) - please contact Mark Brittenham at mbrittenham2@unl.edu and/or Alex Heitzman at aheitzman@huskers.unl.edu, and they can provide you with a selection of problems that they would like to have vetted.
Thanks in advance for your help!